Hate Speech

There appears to be a growing trend being exposed my many of the vanguard Youtube commentators that I follow. This trend is to attempt to silence people who are not going along with the ‘dominant message’. An extreme example shown: in the UK it appears that people can be arrested for “disturbing the peace” for simply expressing concerns about public policy. This is disturbingly subjective and intended to serve as an example to not question authority.
You may have seen this. Molyneux just ended up on a list, along with ~60 others, by the group “Data And Society”. In this recent report, “Alternative Influence”, they claim Stefan uses “Scientific Racism” to further his agenda as a “White Nationalist”. There were no counter arguments to his research, just wrote him off as a racist. Going further, the report suggested that Youtube should ban him and others like him on grounds that they are very influential and offensive/racist/hate speech/(insert bad label here).